Music was already there. Music is here now as well, at least on our home turn-table or on our phones.

Music was already there. Music is here now as well, at least on our home turn-table or on our phones. Music, make no mistake, will be there one way or another.
All of us touched by the virus of music we were touched forever. And we will be there, with music, til the end of our days: ‘Jaio. Musika. Hil’, literally “to be born, music, to die”, that’s what the Basque band Berri Txarrak sang.
This new situation we are sharing on home confinement due to Coronavirus makes up our minds in many ways and we want to follow the call of our cooperative mates at Tigre de Paper with #AlertaCultura and #AlertaCoop. Our beloved friend and singer-songwriter Feliu Ventura has been always wise when advising that “music can not change things, but can help us and hold us when fighting for a change”. For more than 20 years at Propaganda pel Fet! we’ve been passionate in our cultural commitment with society: another way to work with music for changing ourselves, for changing our immediate context and, why not, for changing the world.
During these days of exception we reorganize and keep on working all the projects we are currently handling as well as starting new ones: all workers of the structure are home, nobody is at the office. You can reach us by phone and email. Our webshop is still opened in case you want to order a musical goodie, but we are not making any shipment until we can safetly return to the office and until the shipping services are safe for all the workers (we will add some free extras when settling your orders, you know we are like that).
We are not political nor economical analysts but it looks like nothing is going to be the same once we are back. Whatever it is, we are sure that the world is not changing on its own and it is a must to keep on fighting towards a new society where social economy, education, healthcare, feminist struggle, antifascist solidarity and ecologism are the keys of a new world, with culture as a catalyst for the change. We are also sure that before starting gigs and tours again, we will need to hit the streets with more popular power and organization so that we can make the change possible. Fortunately music will be there with all of us to accompany us in this new old struggle. And with music, til the end, we will be there too, however it is – whatever it takes.
Propaganda pel fet! SCCL Team
Manresa | 17 March 2020