Come join the 27th anniversary of PPF @ MMVV 2023: live shows with Lia Kali, Boom Boom Fighters & Cookah P and Marala!

This October marks the 27th anniversary of Propaganda pel Fet: almost 30 years spreading what we call “an other way of working within music”. We paved the way for dozens of bands as a record label and management, booking and rights management office. Beyond the classical “do it yourself”, we wanna get 30 staying true to our main principle: doing this together. You can catch up in Vic from Wednesday to Friday inna the PRO area and do not miss these three live pearls with bands of the label. Be there!
LIA KALI. Thursday 14th. 10:30PM. Plaça dels Màrtirs.
The most sought-after voice on the urban scene at the moment is supporting her debut album ‘Contra Todo Pronóstico’. Come and check out why any label falls short.
BOOM BOOM FIGHTERS & COOKAH P. Thursday 14th. 12:30AM. Carpa l'Atlàntida
Supah young and talented artists from Mataró and Girona using Jamaican dancehall, reggae and ragga in a wicked formula that would even set on fire a retirement home. BBF serve riddims with exquisite solvency so that Cookah P can deliver his magic lyrics with his magnètic personality pon di mic.
MARALA. Friday 15th. 10:45PM. Plaça Major
Marala sings about death to demystify it and integrate it into life, and she does it like the silenced grandmothers, putting death in her mouth so that they can not be silenced. Marala present their award-winning second album 'Jota de Morir' (Propaganda pel Fet - 2022) live on the main stage of the Mercat.